bca 发表于 2022-1-14 09:08:05



One more sophisticated becomes a professional go-between and takes advantage of her status to call on other families with status, keeping old ladies company when they chant sutras, or practising a little black magic like the priestess Ma in A Dream of Red Mansions who abetted Concubine Zhao, burying paper figures in the ground or hiding them under a pillow to get the better of an enemy.

sutra/ ˈsuːtrə / noun1. a rule or statement in Sanskrit literature, or a set of rules
2. a Buddhist or Jainist holy text

Etymology: Sanskrit sūtra thread, string of rules, aphorisms; akin to Sanskrit sīvyati he sews — more at sew
1. Brahmanism : a precept, aphorism, or collection of brief rules produced generally in the period 500-200 B.C.
2. Buddhism : one of the narrative parts of the Buddhist canonical literature; especially : the dialogues of the Buddha
3. Jainism : any of various scriptures; especially : a scripture dealing with the life of the founder of Jainism

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