donzhtm 发表于 2021-1-21 10:56:13

请假 请病假 请事假 休假 假期 准假 如何用地道的英语表达


ask for leave:请假
go home on leave; 请假回家
ask for a sick leave of three days 请三天病假
to take a month'spaid / unpaid leave   带薪/不带薪休假一个月
   soldiers homeon leave   回家休假的士兵
   to be onmaternity / study leave   休产假;脱产进修
   How muchannual leave do you get?    你们的年假有多长?

I've applied for three days' leave.
on leave
navy officers home on leave
Your basic annual leave is 20 days.

She's been given leave of absence to attend a computer course.

maternity / sick / compassionate leave,time that you are allowed to spend away from work because you have had a baby, because you are ill, or because of a personal problem such as the death of a relative
• 产假/病假/事假

请假:Take a day off.
请病假:take a sick day.
请事假:Take a personal day.

如果打电话请病假,可以说一个地道的英语,call in sick, 比如:
Rachael called in sick (=telephoned to say she was too ill to come to work) .

来自于 call in的用法:
to telephone somewhere, especially the place where you work, to tell them where you are, what you are doing etc〔尤指向工作单位〕打电话汇报

Peter hasbeen off sick (= away from work because he is ill) for two weeks.
   彼得因病两周没上班了。 (彼得请病假两周了。)

take 用来表示请假:
take a day off 请一天假
take a sick day 请病假
take a personal day 请事假

cab 发表于 2022-6-15 03:05:16

extra time off in lieu of payment

abc 发表于 2022-11-6 07:13:10

fur·lough/ ˈfəːləu; NAmE ˈfəːrlou /

1. permission to leave your duties for a period of time, especially for soldiers working in a foreign country
2. (NAmE)permission for a prisoner to leave prison for a period of time
3. (NAmE)a period of time during which workers are told not to come to work, usually because there is not enough money to pay them
• fur·lough verb

fur∙lough / ˈfɚlo ; ˈfɜːləʊ /
1. a period of time when a soldier or someone working in another country can return to their own country
• 〔在国外服役士兵的〕休假期;
【SYN】 leave
»a young soldier home on furlough
2. a period of time when workers are told not to work, especially because there is not enough money to pay them
• 停工期,歇工期〔尤因发不出工资〕;
--› layoff :
»workers forced to take a long, unpaid furlough
3. a short period of time during which a prisoner is allowed to leave prison before returning
• 〔犯人的〕准假期:
»Morton stabbed the man while on furlough .
♦furlough verb :
»280,000 federal workers have been furloughed.
28 万联邦雇员被停工。
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