donzhtm 发表于 2021-3-12 21:36:25

碰瓷的英语翻译 如何用英语说碰瓷

“碰瓷”用英语怎么说严格来说,“碰瓷”是没有对应的英文翻译的。但是我们可以根据“碰瓷”的实际含义,找出相关的英文词汇。“碰瓷”最常见的行为,就是故意制造交通事故,索取赔偿。故意撞车以索要赔偿deliberately bump into a car to claim compensation.如果纯粹是字面意思的理解,可以这样解释“碰瓷”:Literally, it means "porcelain bumping", but basically, it means accident fraud in which someone deliberately bumps into a car to claim an accident compensation.
有个在中国的老外给即将到中国老外的tips,里面提到了碰瓷,他说Broken vase scams.
Broken vase scams......some people will cross your way and pretend to get hurt, do NOT help them! (unless you want to be sued by them) (there are some rules being changed and hopefully they will implement the rule of the good sammaritan, but I am waiting for effective examples)

“碰瓷”还可以说professional porcelain bumpers.
例:Some attempts have resulted in broken bones or even death on the part of the “professional porcelain bumpers,” as they are known.

例:The scam may be as old as the automobile itself: A fraudster throws himself in front of a vehicle and demands that the driver pay for his self-inflicted (or nonexistent) injuries.

骗取保险insurance scam通过制造事故以骗取保险赔偿,也是“碰瓷”的一种形式,在国外也十分常见。
例:An astonishing video has emerged of a moped rider making a pathetic attempt to fake a road crash in an apparent insurance scam.一段令人震惊的视频显示,一名电动车骑手明显想碰瓷骗取保险。

counterfeit    v. 仿制,造假;假装;n 仿制品,赝品

dashcam 或 dash cam
例:The sale of dashcams has rocketed in recent years partly in response, with some insurers offering discounts for drivers who use them. 近年来,行车记录仪的销量激增,部分原因是一些保险公司向使用行车记录仪的司机提供折扣。

Closed Circuit Television
security camera video
streets monitoring
surveillance camera
insurance scam
fake insurance claim
insurance fraud
thiefsomeone who steals things: Car thieves have been working in the area.thievebework | The thieves stole over £5,000 worth of jewellery.
robbersomeone who steals money or valuable things from a bank, shop etc – used especially when someone sees the person who is stealing: a masked robber armed with a shotgunmaskarm | They were the most successful bank robbers in US history.
burglar someone who goes into people’s homes in order to steal: The burglars broke in through a window.
shopliftersomeone who takes things from shops without paying for them: The cameras have helped the store catch several shoplifters.
pickpocketsomeone who steals things from people’s pockets, especially in a crowd: A sign warned that pickpockets were active in the station.
conman/fraudster someone who deceives people in order to get money or things: Conmen tricked the woman into giving them her savings, as an ‘investment’.
forgersomeone who illegally copies official documents, money, artworks etc: a forger who fooled museum curators.
counterfeitersomeone who illegally copies money, official documents, or goods: Counterfeiters in Colombia are printing almost perfect dollar bills.
piratesomeone who illegally copies and sells another person’s work: DVD
muggersomeone who attacks and robs people in public places: Muggers took his money and mobile phone.
murderersomeone who deliberately kills someone else: His murderer was sentenced to life imprisonment.besentence |the murderer of civil rights activist Medgar Eversright | He is a mass murderer (=someone who kills a large number of people).
serial killer someone who kills several people, one after the other over a period of time, in a similar way: Shipman was a trusted family doctor who became Britain's worst serial killer.
rapistsomeone who forces someone else to have sex: Some rapists drug their victims so that they become unconscious.
offendersomeone who is guilty of a crime related to sex: Too many sex offenders are released from prison early.
vandal someone who deliberately damages public property: Vandals broke most of the school’s windows.
arsonistsomeone who deliberately sets fire to a building: The warehouse fire may have been the work of an arsonist.

donzhtm 发表于 2021-3-12 21:49:06

[碰瓷] —— Pengci ( from the Beijing dialect ), is used in describing an opportunistic behavior. Pengci is commonly practiced by the extortionist who often plays a role of the victim as benevolent force in law jurisdiction, aims at obtaining compensation.碰瓷,原属北京方言,泛指一些投机取巧,敲诈勒索的行为。例如故意和机动车辆相撞,骗取赔偿。此外,“碰瓷”也是古玩业的一句行话,意指个别不法之徒在摊位上摆卖古董时,常常别有用心地把易碎裂的瓷器往路中央摆放,专等路人不小心碰坏,他们便可以借机讹诈。碰瓷者一般扮演了受害人的角色,以寻得法律法规或得到公众舆论的支持,弱势者容易获得同情,显得有道理嘛。碰瓷豪车比较常见,可是,要是穷极了,可耻的碰瓷者,连公交车也是要去碰的,连三轮车也是要去碰的,至少要搞到几个馒头的钱来。

donzhtm 发表于 2021-3-12 22:37:08

   a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud
    •• Syn: defrauder, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter
    •• Derivationally related forms: scam (for: scammer), gouge (for: gouger), chisel (for: chiseler), chisel (for: chiseller), defraud (for: defrauder), swindle
    •• Hypernyms: deceiver, cheat, cheater, trickster, beguiler, slicker
    •• Hyponyms:
      cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, card sharper, sharper, sharpie, sharpy, card shark, clip artist, confidence man, con man, con artist, welcher, welsher

donzhtm 发表于 2021-3-12 22:37:45

   a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud
    •• Syn: swindler, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter
    •• Derivationally related forms: scam (for: scammer), gouge (for: gouger), chisel (for: chiseler), chisel (for: chiseller), defraud, swindle (for: swindler)
    •• Hypernyms: deceiver, cheat, cheater, trickster, beguiler, slicker
    •• Hyponyms:
      cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, card sharper, sharper, sharpie, sharpy, card shark, clip artist, confidence man, con man, con artist, welcher, welsher
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