abc 发表于 2022-4-8 23:54:51

“ 奴才 ”的英语翻译

“ 奴才 ”的英语翻译,要怎么翻译才地道呢?参考网上的,有些说法是这样的:
■ a flunky; a minion; sb.'s creature; the creature of sb.
■ flunky; lackey; minion
■ 你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才!    You slimy little creep!
■ 奴仆;家奴 minion;slave, 指甘心供人驱使、帮凶作恶的人 lackey
stooge / stuːdʒ / noun
1. (informal, usually disapproving) a person who is used by sb to do things that are unpleasant or dishonest
2. a performer in a show whose role is to appear silly so that the other performers can make jokes about him or her
■ âme damnée
\äämdänā\ noun
(plural âmes damnées \-nā(z)\)
Etymology: French, literally, damned soul
: a willing and devoted tool or slave of another
< a writer who is the âme damnée of certain interests >

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