abc 发表于 2023-5-1 05:08:47

晦气,怎么翻译成英语?ominous, inauspicious
How to translate Chinese term "晦气"? It means someone sees something ill-omened, he may have a feeling of impending bad luck.

The Chinese term "晦气" can be translated as "ominousness" or "inauspiciousness". It refers to a feeling of impending bad luck or misfortune that arises from observing something that is considered to be an ill omen.
Please generate 10 sentences including the usage of"ominous/ominousness" or "inauspicious/inauspiciousness", and translate the 10 examples into Chinese.

Sure, here are 10 sentences including the usage of "ominous/ominousness" or "inauspicious/inauspiciousness":

[*]The dark clouds and howling winds were an ominous sign of the impending storm.
[*]The inauspicious start to the day continued as the train was delayed for hours.
[*]The ominous silence in the abandoned house made me feel uneasy.
[*]The inauspicious timing of the announcement led to a dip in the company's stock price.
[*]The ominous warning from the fortune teller left me feeling anxious about the future.
[*]The inauspicious weather forecast caused the outdoor concert to be cancelled.
[*]The ominous presence of the police made the protesters nervous.
[*]The inauspicious date for the wedding was chosen based on astrological predictions.
[*]The ominous figure in the dark alley turned out to be just a harmless cat.
[*]The inauspicious news of the company's bankruptcy spread quickly through the industry.

" whammy" is a synonym of "ominous/ominousness" or "inauspicious/inauspiciousness"?

"Whammy" is not a synonym of "ominous/ominousness" or "inauspicious/inauspiciousness". It is a slang term that means a powerful blow, setback, or difficulty. It is often used in the context of bad luck or an unfortunate event.

donzh.com说明,例句来自于网络,请谨慎参考不要说晦气的话回公司你死定了Do not say bad luck, then back to the company you're dead
所以新娘在婚礼前... 看到新郎的结婚西装不会晦气啦?So it's not bad luck for the... bride to see the groom in his wedding suit?

现在我的心情就是那样 真是晦气Now I feel that way really unlucky

"Dining out," said Mrs. Bennet, "that is very unlucky."

He put the whammy on me.

现在,有没有一个字或一句话或什么 能把他的晦气赶走?
Now, isn't there some kind of word or phrase or something to take the whammy off him?

Don't you know it's bad luck to speak in a dream?

这是我的晦气 我的煞星!
This is my bad luck and my ruin!

According to the traditional folk customs of the Han ethnic group, people should take a bath and wash their clothes to get rid of bad luck from the past year and welcome the new year. Besides, people also go shopping to enjoy the exciting atmosphere of the Spring Festival in advance.

记得你刚才说的吗 晦气...
Remember what you said? Negativity...

Where is all this bad luck coming from?

It's just full of dead ends, which is an unfortunate but accurate choice of words.

It was often his fate to be saddled with bad numbers.

真是晦气, 埃德蒙这时候会患病
Damnable luck Edmund should be sick right now...

If communism is beaten, we Communists will admit defeat in good grace.

the town ran out of luck.

He got jinxed by an ex.

我不想带那些晦气回家 不想谈论它们
I don't like bringing that stuff home and talking about it.

Who's picking fights after losing in the ring?

别说晦气话 -我是认真的
Don't say that. - I mean it.

达西先生见到女人就觉得晦气,也许他看都没有看过你一眼呢!Mr. Darcy, who never looks at any woman but to see a blemish, and who probably never looked at you in his life!
于是整个旅程都没有了自动广播,取而代之的是车长的晦气懒音。As a result, there would be no automatic announcements during the whole ride. Instead, the captain had to mumble unintelligibly through the speakers.

Setting a rather inauspicious precedent, the empress is said to have fortified her driver, Sun Fuling, with a generous bowl of rice wine.
当然了,我在这个不景气的就业市场好运连连,但我在同样不景气的约会游戏中晦气不断。Sure, I lucked out in this abysmal job market, but I didn't luck out in the equally abysmal dating game.
大门口只有一盏灯,那间晦气的书房里有一盏固定的球形灯。There was a single lamp over the gateway and a steady globe of light in the fatal study.
因为我承受过如此多的晦气,太可怕了 这又算得了什么呢Because I had such bad, horrible, horrible luck before, no one would even mind.
换言之,如果难民成功躲过边境警卫,那便万事大吉,反之,就得自认晦气。In other words, if a refugee has succeeded in eluding the frontier guards, he is safe; if he has not, it is his hard luck.
这项行动代表除旧迎新,确保旧的晦气被清除干净,以便新的一年有新的开端。The act represents the clearing out of the old to make room for the new. This ensures that the old misfortunes are cleared out to allow for a clean start to a new year.
然而,当她的心花怒放地快乐而使人激励的日子过去了时,完全过去了时,她变成颓丧而易怒时,克利福是多么晦气啊!Yet when those days of her grand joyful cheerfulness and stimulus were gone, quite gone, and she was depressed and irritable, how Clifford longed for them again!
给我走 你个晦气的哭婢 还不走Get lost! You rotten girl! I said get lost!
单拿晦气的柯林格拉菲说事儿似乎有失公允。IT SEEMS unfair to single out the hapless Colleen Graffy.
再过两三天,要是他们来找晦气 还不是又得我来帮你挡着,还不又是我Peng has given me three days to pay up... or he'll come after me.
杜雷军本来迷信,这个晦气的怪梦更是让他惶恐不安。She had few pleasures, and this was one of them.
难以置信 咋会搞错日期啊 也许是我太晦气了Unbelievable. I can't believe we mixed the dates up. I mean, maybe it's me.
你现在散发的那些晦气 快驱散它All that negative energy you're putting in the air, take it out right now!
来点芥末吧... 因为你脸上一脸的晦气. 哦 我的脚指甲!Have some mustard... because it's Easter in your face.
你刚说从来没输过,晦气就来了。As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side, it is tempting fate.
莎拉要找你晦气呢, 接招吧Sarah's on the warpath, so you play nice.
想必他已康复,他已不再那么满脸晦气的啦。I think he must have pulled through his illness now; he no longer looks quite so much like a death's head at the feast.
克星指给人带来晦气的人或物。A jinx is saidto be someone or something that brings bad luck
莎拉要找你晦气呢,接招吧We found that sending them to never-never land was easy.
因为你脸上一脸的晦气. 哦 我的脚指甲!He'll be here all day with that backhoe, so you can watch for a while.
我们这的晦气还不够多吗Like we need more bad mojo around here?
快点吐口水 在地上跳三下 (韩国人觉得这么做会洗去晦气)Spit on the floor and hop three times.
伙计,你今天可真是晦气的彻底Man, you are nothing but bad news today.
回家,好好舒展一下 泡几个月蒸汽浴 把纽约的晦气都去掉 最主要的是...Move home where there's enough room for my pores to open, spend months in the spa getting this layer of New York grime off my skin, and mostly miss you.
"别说晦气话。你想把他招来吗?""Don't talk you want to bring him?""No, "she said. "Please, Nickie, I'm sorry I brought it up."
他们都说晦气 -手 那双美丽的手吗Why do you have to be so adorable?
要是大早上的踢门闯入太晦气了 不是吗It's too early in the morning to kick the door in, isn't it?
她就算死了 也会裹着尸布飞出来的来给我找找晦气She'd fly out of it, shroud flapping, if she thought she could cause me trouble.
这真是晦气的事,因为他们都湿透了,而且浑身发冷。Here was matter for dismay, forthey were soaked through and chilled
现在,有没有一个字或一句话或什么 能把他的晦气赶走?!I just saved your life, baby.
该死的,臭死我啦,真晦气WellDon't that put the 'stink' in extinction!
可是七大人说,两面都认点晦气罢,叫施家再添十块钱:九十元!However, he says both sides must make some concessions, and he's told the Shih family to add another ten dollars to the settlement, making it ninety dollars!
威尔逊当选了,那两兄弟却遭到了惨败 - 事实上是一败涂地,弄得晦气不堪,没人理睬。Wilson was elected, the twins were defeated-crushed, in fact, and left forlorn and substantially friendless.
艺术指导更是加倍的晦气,给了大部分剧组成员是英国人的《理发师陶德》中的两个意大利人。Art direction was a double whammy, going to two Italians who'd worked on Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street with a mostly British cast and crew.
而跟在后面的卫遥则更晦气,身上重孝未脱不说,一张脸也苍白泛灰,分明是病了许久的样子。He was a man with a bald head and a pink, excited face, and it was instantly apparent that he was on the verge of emotional collapse.
在中国文化里,乌鸦是很晦气的东西。Posted in Culture, Science | Leave a comment
他更以为你是在找他晦气,所以进去了後,小光就立刻跪在地上,哭着求我原谅 他 。When the prince saw his noble steed fall dead by his hand, he cast himself on the ground, and cried aloud until his consciousness was gone.
我真晦气,我本来想在这里骗骗人,叫人相信我多少有些长处,偏偏碰上了一个看得穿我真正性格的人。I am particularly unlucky in meeting with a person so well able to expose my real character, in a part of the world where I had hoped to pass myself off with some degree of credit.
在古代,放风筝不但是一种游艺活动,更是为了祈求放走晦气,消灾解难。每年立春过后到清明之前,都是放风筝的…Since ancient times, kite flying was not only an entertainment activity, but also used for religious...
旧的国有体制控制下中国足球最晦气的年代是20世纪80年代最难忘的是1985年败在当时还是英国殖民地的不起眼的香港队脚下,导致球迷砸车放火以泄愤怒the dark age of Chinese soccer under the old state run system was the 1980s, most memorably a 1985 loss to lightweights Hong Kong, then a British colony, that led angry fans to smash cars and start fires
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