abc 发表于 2023-5-1 05:30:30

How to translate Chinese term "黑吃黑"?

The term "黑吃黑" is a Chinese idiom that describes a situation where someone engages in illegal or unethical activities while also being a victim of similar activities from others. It can be translated as "a pot calling the kettle black" or "double-dealing."
Are there more expressions?

Yes, there are several related expressions in Chinese:

    暗箱操作 (àn xiāng cāo zuò) - literally "darkroom operation", meaning a secretive or underhanded operation.
    勾结内外 (gōu jié nèi wài) - colluding with both insiders and outsiders for personal gain.
    狼狈为奸 (láng bèi wéi jiān) - literally "wolves and tigers in collusion", meaning two or more parties working together in a dishonest or malicious way.
    同流合污 (tóng liú hé wū) - literally "join in the same dirty water", meaning to join in with a group engaged in unethical or illegal activities.
    狗急跳墙 (gǒu jí tiào qiáng) - literally "a desperate dog will jump over a wall", meaning that when people are in a desperate situation, they may resort to extreme measures, including breaking the law.

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