abc 发表于 2023-5-4 23:07:58


破罐子破摔,意思是:罐子已经破了,又往破里摔。 比喻有了缺点、错误或受到挫折以后,任其自流,不加改正,或反而有意朝更坏的方向发展。
要用英语表达这个基本意思, 有这些:
You smash the pot if it's already cracked.
When you see no way out, you might as well go all in.
When you feel truly despondent in life, you surrender yourself to despair due to a lack of strength and courage to lift yourself up.

有网友说可以翻译成“throw the handle after the blade”,字面解释: 刀身丢失后,连刀柄也扔了。意译: 破罐破摔。这个解释,到底好不好呢?请看后面ChatGPT的说法。

还有人说,the what-the-hell effect,把它翻译成 「“算了不管了” 现象」,也能表达“破罐子破摔”的意思。请看下面的ChatGPT怎么认为的。
How to translate Chinese term “破罐子破摔”?

"破罐子破摔" is a Chinese idiom that means "to break the pot and spill the beans" or "to give up halfway and abandon everything." It refers to the behavior of someone who, having made a mistake or encountered a setback, gives up and behaves recklessly or carelessly as a result. In other words, it describes someone who, having already damaged something, decides to do more damage rather than trying to salvage the situation.
Does it mean "self-sabotaging"?

Yes, "self-sabotaging" is a possible translation for the Chinese term "破罐子破摔". It refers to a situation where someone, after experiencing a setback or failure, becomes reckless or gives up altogether, abandoning their previous goals or standards.
Any English idiom equivalent to that?

One English idiom that comes to mind is "to cut off one's nose to spite one's face". It refers to taking actions that are ultimately self-destructive in an attempt to get revenge or to prove a point. It's similar to "破罐子破摔" in that both involve self-sabotage and a disregard for long-term consequences.
"To throw the handle after blade" expresses the similar meaning?

"To throw the handle after the blade" is not a commonly used English idiom, and it doesn't convey the same meaning as the Chinese idiom "破罐子破摔".
However, there are a few English idioms that could convey a similar meaning. One of them is "cutting off your nose to spite your face," which means to do something that is intended to harm someone else but ends up hurting oneself more. Another one is "burning bridges," which means to ruin a relationship or situation in such a way that it cannot be repaired.
"Throwing your life away" sounds the same?

"Throwing your life away" is a phrase that can be used to describe situations where someone is making choices that will lead to the destruction of their life or future prospects. While it doesn't have the exact same meaning as "破罐子破摔", it can be used in similar contexts to convey a sense of recklessness or self-destructive behavior.
"Throwing your life away" is commonly used in English-speaking countries?

Yes, "throwing your life away" is a commonly used phrase in English-speaking countries to express the idea of wasting or destroying one's own life through reckless or self-destructive behavior.
Is there such a similar meaning phrase "the what-the-hell effect" for English speakers?

Yes, "the what-the-hell effect" is a commonly used phrase in English. It refers to a psychological phenomenon where a person, after making one or more bad decisions, feels a sense of loss of control and gives up on their goals, leading to more bad decisions. Essentially, the person thinks "what the hell, I've already messed up, so why bother trying to do better?"
Correct the grammar, and revise in literary English:
You shouldn't have the "what-the-hell" mentality. You should instead think positively, aim high and work hard.

In literary English, it could be revised as:
You should refrain from adopting the "what-the-hell" mentality. Rather, you should cultivate a positive mindset, aim for high goals, and work diligently towards achieving them.
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