Noah 发表于 2023-9-7 02:57:34

Discourse markers or linking words/phrases

Discourse markers or linking words/phrases

Discourse markers are words or phrases used in writing or speech to guide the flow of ideas, indicate relationships between different parts of the text, and convey specific meanings or functions. They help to signal contrast, concession, assumption, belief, and other aspects of discourse.
Some examples of discourse markers commonly used for contrast or concession include:

[*]Even though
[*]On the other hand
These markers serve to connect ideas, highlight differences or exceptions, and provide a smooth transition between different parts of the text. They play a crucial role in structuring your writing and conveying your intended meaning.
Discourse markers and linking words/phrases are essentially the same thing. They both refer to words or phrases used to connect ideas and guide the flow of discourse in writing or speech. These terms are often used interchangeably to describe words or phrases that serve as connectors, transitions, or markers of relationships between different parts of a text or conversation. They help to make the discourse coherent and facilitate the understanding of the intended meaning.

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