cab 发表于 2023-10-30 08:42:24

Flexing with the window down 显摆有钱

"Flexing with the window down is crazy" is a colloquial expression that means showing off or displaying one's wealth or status with the car window rolled down is quite extravagant or showy. It suggests that the person is trying to impress others with their possessions or lifestyle, and it might be seen as excessive or unnecessary. It's often used in a context where someone is showcasing their expensive car, jewelry, or other luxury items to gain attention or admiration.

"Flexing with the window down" or "Flexing with the window down is crazy" is a colloquial expression. "Flexing" in this context refers to showing off or flaunting one's possessions or status, often in a boastful or extravagant manner. It's informal slang commonly used in casual conversations or social media to describe someone who is demonstrating their wealth or success, typically in a way meant to impress or gain attention from others. The addition of "is crazy" in the second version of the expression intensifies the idea that such behavior is excessive or remarkable.

The word "flexing" is related to conversations where someone is demonstrating their wealth or success. In modern slang, "flexing" is often used to describe the act of showing off one's material possessions, achievements, or status, especially in a way that emphasizes extravagance or ostentation. It's a term commonly used in informal contexts, such as social media, and is associated with the desire to impress or gain attention from others by highlighting one's prosperity or accomplishments.

比如说,一个显摆,导致他的钱被抢了,可以说,when flexing goes wrong.

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