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How long和How far怎么用?long的地道用法









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发表于 2021-11-19 04:11:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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“PARTICULAR LENGTH / DISTANCE / TIME 某一长度/距离/时间长度, used to talk or ask about a particular length, distance, or time 【〔长度、距离或时间〕长的; 长久的】
»How long is your garden?  你的花园有多长?
»How long is the film?  这部电影多长时间?
»How long a stay did you have in mind? 你原打算待多长时间?
»How long have you been waiting? 你等了多久了?
»How long is the course? 这门课程要念多久?
   »I think it's only three weeks long. 我想只有三个星期长。
»The cable is not quite long enough.  电缆不够长。
»The bridge is 140 feet long.  这座桥有 140 英尺长。
»The speech was twenty minutes long.  演说历时二十分钟。

»two metres / three miles etc long
»two hours / three days etc long

▪ How long is the trailer? I don’t think it will fit in the garage.
▪ Look how long Ayesha’s hair is getting.
▪ Get me a measuring tape - I’ll show you how long I want the skirt.

◙ How long have you ˈgot? ( BrE) ( NAmE How long do you ˈhave? ) 你有时间听吗?
( informal) used to say that sth is going to take a long time to explain 你有多少时间(指需要很长时间来解释)
What do I think about it? How long have you got? 这事我是怎么想的?说来话长,你有时间听吗?

◙ How long is a piece of 'string? 很难说。
   (BrE, informal) used to say that there is no definite answer to a question   一条线段有多长(意指没有确切的答案):
   'How long will it take?' 'How long's a piece of string?'    "需要多长时间?" "没准儿。"

far 的用法也是非常复杂。主要用作adv.有用作adj. 比较级是farther/further, 最高级是farthest/furthest.
how far, used when asking the distance between two places, or when talking about the distance between two places
• 多远:
»How far is it to the station?
»The man didn't say how far it was to the next town.

far---used when you are asking or talking about the distance between ten places or the distance that has been travelled or is to be travelled   (问到或谈及距离时说)有多远,远(至):
   How far is it to your house from here?
   How much further is it?
   We'll go by train as far as London, and then take a bus.
   We didn't go as far as the others.
   I'm not sure I can walk so far.
---used to talk about how much progress has been made in doing or achieving sth
   How far have you got with that report?
   I read as far as the third chapter.

中国人学英语常见错误:a long way VS far
肯定句较常用 a long way:We went a long way. 不作 We went far. (X)
◆The restaurant is a long way from here.

(for) long V.S. (for) a long time
(for) long 和 (for) a long time 均用以表示时间。肯定句用 (for) a long time:
◆ We’ve been friends a long time. 我们是老朋友了。

 (for) long 只有与 too、enough、as、so、seldom 等词连用时才用于肯定句中:
◆ I stayed out in the sun for too long. 我在太阳底下待的时间太长了。
◆ You’ve been waiting long enough. 你等得够久的了。

(for) long 和 (for) a long time 均可用于疑问句,但 (for) long 较常用:
◆ Have you been waiting long? 你等了很长时间吗?

在否定句中 (for) a long time 和 (for) long 有时含义不同。 Compare 比较:
◆ I haven’t been here for a long time (= It is a long time since the last time I was here). 我已很久没来这里了。
and 和
◆ I haven’t been here long (= I arrived here only a short time ago). 我到这里没多长时间。


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