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“牛鞭”, “狗鞭”,“驴鞭”,“虎鞭”的英语翻译









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说相声的于谦经常被郭德纲说成“驴鞭”,也是一个抖包袱,虽然这种抖包袱不能多听。听众们一般不会把“驴鞭”理解为“赶驴的鞭子”,都是知道驴鞭是怎么回事, 否则也不会大笑了。不管是,驴鞭,虎鞭,牛鞭,狗鞭,据说都是对男人那方面有点帮助的。
那么,“牛鞭”, “狗鞭”,“驴鞭”,“虎鞭”,要怎么翻译成英语呢?

牛鞭,要是说赶牛的鞭子,还真有个英语单词:bullwhack,意思是:美国西部赶牛人用的短柄长鞭。牛鞭末梢上有结的一条长的,辫状的牛皮鞭(A long, plaited rawhide whip with a knotted end)。
I. \ˈbu̇lˌ(h)wak\ noun
Etymology: back-formation from bullwhacker
chiefly West : a long heavy whip with short handle used especially when driving teams of four or more animals
II. verb
Etymology: back-formation from bullwhacker
transitive verb
chiefly West : to drive (as an ox team) using a whip rather than a goad
intransitive verb
chiefly West : to drive a team (as of oxen) using a whip rather than a goad

观众理解的“牛鞭”,其实是指公牛的生殖器, 也有个单词表示这个意思:pizzle
\ˈpizəl\ noun
Etymology: probably from Flemish pezel; akin to Low German pesel, peisel pizzle, Middle Dutch pese sinew, bowstring, Middle Low German pēse bowstring
1. : the penis of an animal (as a bull)
2. : a whip made of a bull's pizzle

ox penis,bull's penis 也许可以翻译成要吃的“牛鞭”
ox / ɑks ; ɔks /
noun (plural oxen) / ˈɑksən ; ˈɔksən / [C]
1. a BULL whose sex organs have been removed, often used for working on farms
• 〔常用于干农活的〕阉牛
2. a large cow or BULL
• 牛〔指大的母牛或公牛〕

bull¹ / bul ; bʊl /
1. MALE COW 公牛, [C] an adult male animal of the cattle family
• 公牛:
»a herd of cows with one bull
2. MALE ANIMAL 雄性动物, [C] the male of some other large animals such as the elephant or whale
• 〔象或鲸等身躯庞大的动物的〕雄性动物
3. take the bull by the horns,  to bravely or confidently deal with a difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant problem
• 挺身面对困难:
»Nora decided to take the bull by the horns and organize things for herself.
4. NONSENSE 废话, [U] [informal] nonsense or something that is completely untrue
• 胡说;
【SYN】 rubbish
»What a load of bull!
5. like a bull in a china shop,  if you are like a bull in a china shop, you keep knocking things over, dropping things, breaking things etc
• 笨拙莽撞地,冒失地
6. like a bull at a gate,  if you move somewhere like a bull at a gate, you move there very fast, ignoring everything in your way
• 猛烈地; 凶猛地
7. RELIGION 宗教, [C] an official statement from the Pope
• 教皇训谕(诏书)
8. CENTRE 中心, [C] also bullseye the centre of a target that you are shooting at
• 靶心
9. BUSINESS 商业, [C] [technical] someone who buys shares because they expect prices to rise
• 多头; 股市看涨的人;


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