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“怀恨在心的,报复性的”怎么翻译?区别"vengeful," "revengeful," and "vindictive"









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发表于 2023-5-23 01:19:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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"vengeful," "revengeful," and "vindictive", 都有“报复性的”意思, 怎么区别意思呢?

The terms "vengeful," "revengeful," and "vindictive" all relate to seeking revenge or harboring a desire for retaliation, but there are subtle distinctions in their usage and connotations:

    Vengeful: This adjective describes someone who is inclined or motivated to seek revenge. It implies a strong desire for retribution or punishment against someone who has wronged them. "Vengeful" carries a sense of deep-seated resentment and a strong emotional drive to retaliate against perceived injustices.

    Revengeful: "Revengeful" is similar to "vengeful" in meaning, indicating a desire or inclination to seek revenge. However, "revengeful" is less commonly used and may be considered slightly archaic or old-fashioned compared to "vengeful." It still carries the connotation of seeking retribution for a perceived wrongdoing, but it is less frequently encountered in contemporary usage.

    Vindictive: "Vindictive" describes someone who is malicious, spiteful, or inclined to take revenge. It suggests a more malicious intent or a desire to harm others as a form of payback. Unlike "vengeful" and "revengeful," which primarily focus on seeking retribution, "vindictive" emphasizes a malicious pleasure or satisfaction derived from inflicting harm or punishment on others.

In summary, "vengeful" and "revengeful" share a similar meaning of seeking revenge, but "vengeful" is more commonly used and conveys a stronger sense of emotional drive. "Vindictive," on the other hand, emphasizes a malicious desire to harm or punish others beyond seeking mere retribution.

vin∙dic∙tive / vɪnˈdɪktɪv ; vɪnˈdɪktɪv /
1. unreasonably cruel and unfair towards someone who has harmed you
• 报复(性)的; 怀恨在心的:
»a bitter and vindictive old man
vindictively adv.
vindictiveness noun [U]

venge∙ful / ˈvɛndʒfəl ; ˈvendʒfəl /
adj [literary]
1. very eager to punish someone who has done something bad
• 有复仇心理的; 图谋报复的,复仇的:
»a vengeful god

bitter 可以表示“愤愤不平的”

bit∙ter¹ / ˈbɪtə ; ˈbɪtə /
1. feeling angry, jealous, and upset because you think you have been treated unfairly
• 愤愤不平的,充满怨恨的;
--› bitterly :
▪ [+ about ]
»I feel very bitter about it.
»a bitter old man
2. [only before noun] making you feel very unhappy and upset
• 带来痛苦的,令人难过的;
--› bitterly :
»a bitter disappointment / blow
»If he failed, it would be a bitter disappointment to his parents.
»His photo stirred up bitter memories.
»from bitter experience ( = because of your own very unpleasant experiences )
»She knew from bitter experience that it would be impossible to talk it over with Julian.
3. a bitter argument, battle etc is one in which people oppose or criticize each other with strong feelings of hate and anger
• 〔争论、战斗等〕激烈的,充满敌意的,怨愤的:
»bitter dispute / battle / struggle etc
»The couple are locked in a bitter battle for custody of the children.
»The government faces bitter opposition to these policies.
»The countries are still bitter enemies .
4. having a sharp strong taste like black coffee without sugar
• 苦的,有苦味的;
--› sour ; sweet:
»Enjoy the beer's bitter taste as you slowly drink it.
»bitter chocolate
5. unpleasantly cold
• 刺骨的,寒冷的;
--› bitterly :
»a bitter wind
»the bitter cold of the Midwestern winters
6. to the bitter end,  continuing until the end, even though this is difficult
• 坚持到底; 拼到底:
»Employees have vowed to fight the closure to the bitter end .
7. a bitter pill (to swallow),  something very unpleasant that you must accept
• 必须吞下去的苦药丸,不得不接受的现实:
»The knowledge that his friends no longer trusted him was a bitter pill to swallow.
bitterness noun [U]
1. [C,U] [BrE] a type of dark beer that is popular in Britain, or a glass of this
• (一杯)苦啤酒:
»A pint of bitter, please.
2. bitters, [U] a strong bitter liquid made from plants that is added to alcoholic drinks
• 〔掺入酒精饮料中的〕苦味汁

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